Thursday, July 2, 2009


you shouldn't expect anything from anyone or on anything..

disappointments have happened to me on a regular basis this year, emotionally and professionally. and i guess i should learn not to trust people that much.

you really have to rely on yourself to do well, and you have to be prepared at all times to make sure that you are on top of your game and doesn't get hurt in the end. it's up to you to make your own decisions and you can't really blame anyone sometimes. bad things happen to good people, and you just have to deal with it and continue on living.

with that, after you shake of the heartbreak you just try to do the best job that you can, to become a way way better person in the end. you realize what you are capable of, and of whom you should entrust your heart to.

never ever ever.. allow yourself to be hurt by a circumstance or a person and let it control who you are, how you see yourself and what you will do with yourself. some people are just plain mean. they may have their own excuses for being that way, but never ever let them get into you.

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